
Social Media


What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is, simply, the use of social platforms to attract, engage, and convert an audience to customers.

The advent of social media has been a springboard for the internet of things. As societies move consumerism to online platforms, and people seek out their favorite stores on the social platforms they use the most, the opportunity for businesses to connect with audiences in meaningful ways exploded. At Gravity Junction we help brands identify, grow, connect with, and engage their audience.

From expertly curated content of all mediums, like video, static, and motion graphics, to detailed content calendars, we deliver results. The Gravity Junction social media management company, uses social media marketing as one avenue to create a brand community with meaningful conversations that drive revenue and awareness.

How do you market on social media?

“Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships.”

Pick the social media channels where your target audience is most active.

Marketing on social media requires a brand or business to understand their customer. We use terms like customer avatar to help our clients create a profile of not just their average consumer but their most desired type of consumer. We believe that a closed mouth never gets fed so if you do not ask for the type of customers you want, and you do not ask them to engage, they probably will not.

Create content that resonates with and inspires that audience to engage with your brand.

Marketing strategies that work best for social media include things like relevance and consistency. As a social media marketing agency, we help our clients hone in on the ways they can entertain, educate, or solicit feedback to enhance their offerings.

We also encourage our clients to listen to, engage with, and learn from their followers to create social media content that both delights and inspires them to tag, post, or at minimum submit a positive review.

Consider paid advertising that retargets your audience and keeps your brand Top of Mind.

Social media marketing strategies vary from platform to platform. An Instagram campaign can work on Facebook and vice versa, but the most effective social media marketing campaigns are developed to allow the platform to do some of the work. Social media tools exist to help the layperson create effective and consistent content. As experienced social media marketing managers, we step in to help develop content that converts. If you find that your social media marketing is stagnant and not producing results, we can help

How do I use social media for business?

Social media is to today’s businesses what the Yellow Pages were 30 years ago.

That said, the first way a business can benefit from a robust social media presence is to realize that all of the top platforms are authority sites. An authority larger site is a site in which Google and other search engines respect and trust. Those sites serve as directories, so it’s important to create accounts for your business on sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

Provide correct information about your business.

Name, Address, Phone, Email, Website and hours of operation. Which platforms you choose to actively add content to largely depends on your audience. If you’re a hip new online men’s soap company, you would probably choose TikTok and Instagram over Facebook. If you have a local storefront, Facebook could be a super effective place to be. Restaurants do exceptionally well on Instagram due to the highly visual layout.

Create content for your target audience or your current customers

Showcase your products and services in a meaningful and relevant way. Address a paint point and provide the solution in a call to action.

As a social media marketing agency always looking for innovative ways to bolster our client’s bottom line, we often encourage the use of social media tools like messenger, or direct messages. Less and less, consumers are picking up the phone and more prefer reaching out via text. Facebook messenger can be a very effective lead capture tool if set up correctly!

Provide content consistently that educates, entertains, or inspires a conversation.

At Gravity Junction we help brands make the most of social media for their business. We identify the best channels based on audience markers. Our entire team pitches in to create dynamic and engaging content, and we analyze the results. In addition to the creative process of developing content, we help our clients take advantage of lead capturing technology. Once we’ve identified leads, we help brands develop email marketing, or retargeting campaigns to convert those leads into clients.

social media marketing companies

How do I promote my business on social media?

  • Consider paid advertising that addresses your target audience’s pain points and provides the solution in a Call to Action.
  • Provide consistent, relevant content that educates, inspires feedback, or entertains your audience.
  • Consider give-a-ways, virtual events, or engaging contests to build a bigger and more engaged audience.

Here at Gravity Junction, part of our social media strategy is the use of paid ads. Advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and coming soon, TikTok can dollar for dollar be a tremendous investment of resources. Unlike a billboard, or a print ad in a magazine, all activity on social media advertisements can be tracked. If activity can be tracked then additional advertising can be deployed that retargets those same users so that your business stays Top of Mind!

At your social media marketing agency, Gravity Junction, we are always working to achieve T.O.M.A. or Top of Mind Awareness.

Your Atlanta Social Media Marketing Company

Gravity Junction

Social Media Marketing Services

Creating community is also a huge part of promoting your business on social media. When your content is compelling, educational, entertaining and your audience finds it valuable, your social media star rises and you develop a community of people who see, like, share, and engage with your brand and that activity has exponential value and reach. It’s that exponential visibility that allows some content to “go viral”.

Creating content has a lot of moving parts, most of which overwhelm the average business owner. At Gravity Junction, a top social media marketing agency, we are daily crafting meaningful messages that adapt in audience relevance. That’s not an easy task. Great social media marketing marries graphic design, video production, persuasive copywriting, web development, and a CRM or email campaigns to capture and cater to the traffic.

  • Graphic Design
  • Motion Graphics
  • Infographics
  • Video Production (in all sizes for all channels)
  • Copywriting
  • Editorial Calendars
  • Monitoring scheduled media for engagement and relevance due to current events
  • Analysis
  • Web Development to support social media efforts
  • Email Marketing to spur further engagement from social media efforts
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising across all social platforms.

Why should I use social media for business?

Truthbomb. If you’re not using social media for business, at least a directory, you’re missing an important part of marketing in today’s world. We have to meet people where they are. If you open a business on a side alley of a back street and you didn’t advertise your location, your foot traffic would be dismal. With the internet and the power of social media, you can have a line out your door, into the alley and down the back street. Your customers, even elderly ones, are on social media. If you can meet them there with content that helps them, educates them, makes them laugh, moves them with emotion, or asks them to engage in a conversation, you will benefit from the time, money, and effort you spend, 10-fold.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

At Gravity Junction, we help you establish the digital footprint you need to meet your customers where they are. We help you develop content that is relevant and engaging, and we are there to analyze and monitor the progress of your online growth. We also help you convert your audience into paying customers.

Your customers are on social media

You’d be hard pressed to find an individual who doesn’t have at least one social media account. In fact, we treat luddites (people who avoid technology) like some type of exotic anomaly because 90% of Americans are on at least one social channel (Pew Research – 2019). So, your customers are absolutely spending time on social media.

Your customers will follow you on social media

Produce engaging, entertaining content, or meaningful messages that encourage conversation and your customers will not only buy from you, but they will become brand ambassadors. When you build an audience and you provide that audience with value, you create connection and loyalty that extends beyond the normal business consumer relationship. You have a massive, virtual street team who has your back.

Your customers will search for you on social media

Due to the incorporation of reviews, and the speed at which one can get a trusted referral from a friend, potential customers will look for you on the social network in which they asked for the referral, or see the mention. Consumers today expect you to not only be on social media, but they expect to be able to interact with you there.

Your customers may create their own content

Yes, that’s right. With no provoking, and no payment, customers continually create content to promote the brands they love. When your neighbor gets a new Coach bag, how do you learn about that? Usually, it’s on social media. When you try a new restaurant, is it because you saw the restaurant’s advertisement or is it because a friend posted their meal and raved about it? User generated content is just this.

Ready to chat about how our
social media marketing company
can grow your business?

The potential is on the table. While social media may seem overwhelming, and at times your efforts go unnoticed, the work in these spaces is valuable. As a top social media marketing agency that is known for getting results, we love to help you win in this arena.

Let’s chat about your audience, their pain points, how you solve them and how we can translate that into powerful, meaningful content that will build that virtual street team and turn your customers into cheerleaders!

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