Lacey Knight
Content Specialist
While many editors’ origin stories start with a love of literature, Lacey Knight’s started with a disdain for the English language as a whole. Throughout her early life, Lacey viewed English as just another thing to “know” rather than a tool to be leveraged. (Spoiler Alert: That changed.)
Lacey’s calling was delayed because it was delivered in Spanish. As Lacey learned “por favor” and “gracias,” she also learned about the nature of language: its movement, its rhythm, its significance, and most importantly, its place in her life.
Lacey realized just how connected she was to the power of expression behind language, rooting her career in a love for the written word while utilizing her passion and truly-honed skill to help others reach their goals through copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging.
“I know there are amazingly talented people out there who have a lot to offer but who may not have the tools to best reach their target audience in a relevant and effective way,” says Lacey. “I hope to be a cog in the wheel that gets these great people to where they are going; you achieving your dream is my dream.”
Lacey has always been a dream-catcher, capturing the beauty of achievement and knowledge, as well as a seeker of Truth, even before she knew what that meant.
Fostering love in everything, even from afar, is one thing Lacey does exceptionally well (which admittedly comes in handy in the marketing world). Before Lacey had access to her true love, equines, she sat on the sidelines learning about them, growing love and expertise before she even got in the saddle.
Viewing life as art in action, Lacey has joined the Gravity Junction team from the painted skies of Colorado. She and her family are nestled below a mountain range with plenty of beautiful horses nearby to keep her passions burning with fervor.
You can rest easy knowing Lacey is certainly wearing matching socks and is readily open to debate herself about comma placements and capitalization. (The nature of language, amiright?)
Having Lacey in our corner is having another advocate in your corner, something we always aim for.
“I often tell people, ‘I’m better in writing.’ They think I am joking.” However, Lacey’s talent is no joke, and we’re beyond blessed to have her here in the saddle at Gravity Junction.