
Yes, Gravity Junction is the Best Marketing Firm of Georgia!

by | Dec 6, 2021 | Business | 0 comments

Gravity Junction’s purpose has always been to encourage growth.

What started as a mission to help with the growth of businesses has turned into an investment of growth everywhere else: in our local Georgia businesses, in the lives of our team, in our clients’ ways of thinking. We’re sowing the seeds everywhere!

One of our favorite things about growth is the beautiful blooms we get to show off from time to time. Sometimes, that beautiful bloom is a finished website, a book sent off to press, a new app or system, or a client reaching those first set of goals we helped them set.

Each accomplishment is unique and beautiful and something worth celebrating.

While we often yell from the rooftops about the awesome things we’re privileged to bring to life for our clients, today we get to celebrate something even closer to the heart: a Gravity Junction accomplishment.

The cat is out of the bag. The news has been signed, sealed, and delivered. Our flowers are blooming, baby!

Gravity Junction is the Best Marketing Firm of Georgia 2021! best marketing firm in georgia

In early October, we learned that we were nominated for Best Marketing Firm of Georgia through the Georgia Business Journal. 

We said from the moment we found out about this nomination that regardless of the results, being nominated was already a huge win for our team.

That nomination told us that our investment in people and their businesses are noticed. Our above and beyond is noticed. Our patience, creativity, and know-how is noticed.

“This award is confirmation that our dedication to personal and professional growth is being felt, seen, heard and recognized, and we’ve only scratched the surface,” says CEO, Sharla Crawford, “There is so much to do to ensure a positive impact on more companies, more communities, and more lives.”

Marketing goes beyond billboards and tv commercials. It has and always will be the ability to deliver on promises and connect with customers. The Gravity Junction team currently works with clients all over the United States to build their brands, working with business owners to find (or create) the tools they need to succeed.

“I’m grateful for this team of hellaciously talented creatives,” says Sharla, “They are inspiring, devoted, hard-working, fun people, and at this point, they’re family.”

The Gravity Junction team’s approach to marketing has always been one that accentuates storytelling, utilizes technology, and positions companies online and off to speak directly to their audience, growing brands so they STAND OUT.

“I love our old school meets new school,” says Natalie Crawford, Gravity Junction CRO and former commissioner of Habersham County, Georgia, “We know our clients. We’re building a relationship with them, seeing them face-to-face while employing the freshest tools and ideas to help them build their brand and reach their markets.”

Connection is the string that ties it all together here at Gravity Junction. Connecting with our clients, connecting our clients with their audiences, and keeping businesses connected to the digital world where a whole lot of business happens is a huge part of our big picture.

Natalie continues, “The grit of our team, our business model, and our commitment to providing our clients with superior service, stand Gravity Junction in the highest league of marketing and advertising agencies in the state.”

Again, we’re over the moon to have won this award, and we couldn’t do it without the support of our clients. Your investment in us is always reinvested in building up business owners, contributing to local business communities, and building some kickass businesses ready to take on the world. These are all things we simply couldn’t do without you.

We are so thankful for this award, and even more thankful for all of you.


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